24 August 2014

Migging again: 21-24th August

Ah now the trouble is see I can't actually remember that far back...

Thursday: or could have been Wednesday night, Tim confirms breeding success of Hobby with three in the Old Sewage Works. Wheatear, 2 Spotted Flycatcher, the invisible Tree Pipit again by Long Wood, and a Swallow according to twitter.  Perhaps that's why I don't remember it!

Friday: Aah much better, 2 Common Redstart at either side of the flats.  Dan picks an adult male in the scrub on the western flats, the first bird he sees, he says.  Then finds anther to the east of Alex in the burnt grass - told you it would be good!. Meanwhile John and I struggle to find anything, though manage to kick what we are counting as a Sedge Warbler, yellow rump, from the sedges on the Alex, and a couple of Spotties in the SSSI.

Saturday: I was away being kind to my old mum, and Barry Bishop kindly stood in for me as muggins who gets out early, and has a good morning of it.  Two Common Redstart near Long Wood, two Wheatear (three later), while Dan makes do with a Tree Pipit and a brace of Spot Fly in the SSSI, and Bob back from Papua New Guinea chips in a Hobby.

Sunday: Making up for a day missed being kind to my old mother, I am out early doors to enjoy the mist. I enjoyed the Turtle Dove racing out of Long Wood north even more. Six Yellow Wagtails, 2 Common Redstart, 2 Whinchat, 2 Wheatear, 3-4 Spotted Flycatcher, Pied Flycatcher (missed the bugger again!), Hobby, Peregrine, Common Buzzard, and still time for me to completely bugger up the ID of a possible Great White Egret, which you wouldn't think was possible.  Bob made probably the find of the day with 1-2 juvenile Water Rail on the Roding, which probably (should) mean that they bred on the Aldersbrook behind the allotments.  An amazing first.

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