Sand Martin, Swallow, Ring Ouzel, Willow Warbler, Wheatear–they're back! If you live in the west of the country that is, while we here on the east are still gripped by a wintery chill wind from the continent. So we wait. We are good at this. We are always waiting.
Meanwhile on the Perch Pond a pair of Great Crested Grebe are in the process of making a nest. Right up the west end of the lake it is only a few metres out from the path. Oh dear! With the news of a Mute Swan being killed by one of the hundreds of unruly mutts and their stoopid owners, I can see it ending in disaster. It will be great for pictures if the Corporation can inform their contractors, due to starting clearing the invasive floating weed, to keep a wide berth and if they muster up the conviction to help the birds from unwanted dog attack. OK neither of those will happen, luckily these birds usually build a few nests before settling down to the task at hand, so before disturbance becomes fatal they might choose somewhere less accessible.
And a little something for you gull lovers. Ugly has returned to Jubilee with a vengeance. I give you two birds to consider. The first, darvik ringed (so no chance of getting any information off that) and teh second I think looks pretty good for a 1-2 winter Yellow-legged. Shoot me down now!
and number 2
Of course I could look at my Larson (and again when I would have woken up!), but where's the fun in that.
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The first Gull is metal ringed but not Darvic ringed - if it had of been it would have made the ID an awful lot simpler :-)