I called Jono and soon five of us were watching the bush. Soon five of us had spent a couple of hours looking at the bush, wandering through Long Wood and checking every other bit of bush in the immediate area. Zip! There were rumblings. I wandered off again to check the ride to the north of Long Wood, popular with elder and popular with elder loving birds. I found a Garden Warbler, not what I was hoping to go back and tell the others. Didn't look like my bird, but somehow I didn't think that was going to sway the hearts and minds of the four bored birders. It didn't and within five minutes they all gone home or elsewhere. I went for a coffee.
One more go I thought, and met up with Josh on his return from the Alex, I explained what had happened, to which he remarked "they'll be sorry if you find something good!"
I gave the inside of the wood one more go, and got the Garden Warbler again, looking very much like it should. I gave up and wandered back through the brooms to catch a train to Cambridge. I just passed the vis-mig point when I heard the beautifully quirky call of a Woodlark somewhere behind me. It called again and there it was in all its short-arsed glory. It circled and appeared to land somewhere just to the south of Long Wood. I called Jono after sending the news out, and he made it out to get a very overdue patch-life-tick and to find some promising Polish porn. Happy days.
No pics at all today so have a Chiffy from the very self same day a year ago!
How lovely!