6 August 2014

Minging Dairy Part II: August 6

It rained right and early enough, but that was the only thing that followed the script. It was still raining when I ventured out, intermittently heavy and heavy. It was alright I had my wellies on; they felt like lead weights. A quick incursion into the Angel revealed that I was on my own as the sole representative of the vertebrate kingdom there.

No downed Whinchat, or Wheatear in the brooms, just a single tatty and bedraggled Meadow Pipit.  It would get better nearer Long Wood.  It didn't.

Nothing singing, sub-song or otherwise in the Blythe's Bush, I eventually found some warblers on the west side of the lime avenue; quite a lot of warblers.  Dan, who had been out and about since half six, texted me about two Garden Warbler that had evaded my gaze back at Long Wood.  I soon picked up another in a small oak and followed it into the centre of the SSSI.  More warblers; in one bush there were over 10 Common Whites, 3 Lesser, 5 Backcap, 3 Chiffy, a Willow Warbler and the aforementioned Garden Warbler.  The place was heaving now the rain had stopped, but nothing unusual in the melee. I kept my distance and enjoyed the little birds, more intent in chasing each other around than fattening up.

Dan took over the search while I stomped over to Alex for not a lot. We're another day closer to the biggy!

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