16 August 2014

Migging diary, August 16th: Good Morning

I forced myself up and out this morning; it's the weekend I can always make up sleep by going to bed early for a change. Not sure I could actually focus on anything for a while. When I could, a Common Whitethroat became the latest addition to the Angel's burgeoning list as it chased a few Great Tits to warm up.

In the brooms a spanking new Whinchat simply shone in the early sunshine as did the female Wheatear that sat patiently waiting for me to take it's close up. Absolutely cracking morning and no one to share it with.

The outside of the enclosure, it appeared, was the happening place.  A Garden Warbler waded in on the elder and looked as though all the Lesser Whitethroat on the flats were here, never seen so many in one place at one time.  I took up position behind some brambles and waited. Not long after a muted male Redstart popped up in a hawthorn and then did the decent thing and moved closer. Sweet!

Meanwhile Dan was having difficulty getting out of the SSSI which was also frantic with warblers, he too picked up a Redstart, a female type this time, so by the time he turned up at Long Wood, quite a crowd of irregulars were already there. What wasn't there or anywhere else was the Spotted Flycatcher and the Tree Pipit that were present yesterday.

Beddington has a Wryneck, pah!

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